Hanging Coffins of Sagada, Philippines.


The Igorot tribe of Sagada, Philippines have been, for many years, burying their dead in coffins hanging from the sides of cliffs. It is thought that doing that brings them closer to their ancestral spirits and would also keep their bodies safe which seems logical until, you know, they fall.

Hanging coffins 1 Hanging coffins 2


Abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine.


The city of Pripyat, Ukraine used to have a population of almost 50,000 before being evacuated shortly after the nuclear accident at Chernobyl. The city was hastily evacuated and remained completely abandoned. Books and toys litter the schools and kindergartens. Houses hold eerie memories of the people who once lived there, with stray shoes and family photos still fixed to bedroom walls.

Pripyat 1 Pripyat 2


Island of the Dolls, Mexico.


It is said that the caretaker of this island one Don Julian Santana found a little girl that drowned in the surrounding waters. Shortly after he saw a floating doll which most probably belonged to the girl. As a way of showing respect and support for the spirit of the girl he hung the doll in a tree. For 50 years, until he drowned in the same waters, he continued hanging dolls. Witnesses claim to have heard the dolls whispering to one another and move their heads, arms or even open their eyes. Some even say that they were lured by the dolls to come down to the island.

Island of dolls 1 Island of dolls 2


Chapel of Bones, Portugal.


A truly eerie place, even before entering you are presented with a warning Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos (“We bones that here are, for yours await"). The walls and pillars are decorated in carefully arranged bones and skulls held together by cement and even the ceiling is painted with death motifs. The number of skeletons that decorate the chapel have been calculated to be about 5000. The creepies part is probably the two desiccated corpses that are left to dangle from ropes, one of which being that of a child.

Chapel of bones 1 Chapel of bones 2


Suicide Forest in Japan.


At the base of Mount Fuji is a forest called Aokigahara also knows as the Sea of Trees. The forest has a historical reputation for paranormal activity and as a home for the ghosts of the dead. Internationally though it is known as one of Japan's most popular destinations for suicide. Due to the forest being so thick it is very easy to get disoriented and lose your bearing after which you might stumble upon sights that verily disturbing.

Aokigahara 1 Aokigahara 2


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Five creepy places around the world - part 1

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