Château Miranda, Celles, Belgium.


Built with the intention of being a hiding place for aristocrats trying to escape the french revolution, this castle served during and after the World War II as an orphanage. In 1980 it was suddenly abandoned and the family that owned it denied the authorities to care for the castle. As of June 2016, the Château has been acquired and is now off-limits listed as 'private property'. Demolition of the castle began in late October 2016 with the conical gothic roof peaks being removed.

Chateau Miranda 1 Chateau Miranda 2


St. George’s Church, Czech Republic


Abandoned since the 1960s, the church has long since been devoid of human worshippers, but that doesn’t mean it’s empty. The church first fell into disrepair in 1986 when the ceiling caved in during a funeral service. The citizens took that as a bad omen and boarded up the structure. During the summer of 2014 ghosts made of plaster were placed inside the church by artist Jakub Hadrava in hopes of drawing more tourists to the region to raise more and rehabilitate the historic 1352 church.

Church of ghosts 1 Church of ghosts 2


San Zhi Houses, Taiwan.


Built to serve as a holiday destination for the U.S. military officers who returned from their positions in Asia these alien-looking houses were unfortunately brought down in 2010. The construction began in 1978 however the project was never completed and was shut down in 1980 due to investment losses and several car accident deaths and suicides during contruction. It is said that these were cause by the act of bisecting the Chinese dragon sculpture located near the resort gates for widening the road to the buildings.

Sanzhi 1 Sanzhi 2


Salto Hotel, Colombia.


Hotel De Salto opened in 1928 to serve tourists who came to admire Tequendema, a 157 meter-tall waterfall that was close by. The hotel had to be shut down in the early 1990's due perhaps to the Bogotá slowly being contaminated and tourists gradually losing their interest in the area. In has been abandoned ever since and the fact that many people in the past chose that spot to commit suicide made others believe that the hotel is haunted.

Salto Hotel 1 Salto Hotel 2


Willard Asylum – Willard, New York.


Established in 1869, the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane housed well over 4000 patients during its boom. The asylum shut down it's operations in 1995 and with more than half of its 50,000 patients admitted dying within its walls it is one of the creepiest places you can ever imagine.

Willard Asylum 2 Willard Asylum 1


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Five creepy places around the world - part 2

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