Derinkuyu, Turkey.


Derinkuyu was an underground city in Turkey that housed, at one time, as much as 20,000 people and their livestock. People lived there to hide from the war above ground. While it is unlikely that the underground city was ever intended for permanent dwelling or even long stays, it was clearly build to withstand attack and could support large numbers of people and their domestic animals for extended periods of time.

Derinkuyu 1 Derinkuyu 2


Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague.


Cemeteries, let's face it, are creepy enough as it this but this one is just that much worse. Dating back to 1478, the cemetery got full so many times and they just kept adding layers to it. Currently there are about 12,000 visible tombstones but there are perhaps over 100,000 people buried there. Not a place you'd want to visit, even in daylight.

Old Jewish Cemetery 1 Old Jewish Cemetery 2


Cambridge Military Hospital, England.


Located at Stanhope Lines the hospital was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge and opened in 1879. During the First World War, the Cambridge Hospital was the first base hospital to receive casualties directly from the Western Front. After the end of the Second World War the hospital started admitting civilians as well. The hospital was closed in 1996 due to the high cost of running the old building and the discovery of asbestos in the walls. That is when nature began to take it's course and with time the paint started to peel from the walls and the spread of rust, damp and mould turning this into one creepy place to visit.

Cambridge Military Hospital 1 Cambridge Military Hospital 2


Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic.


Did you think there was only one creepy church made of bones? Well wrong. The Sedlec Ossuary, which is also known as the Church of Bones is another unusual chapel. It is located in Sedlec, in the suburbs of Kutna Hora, in the Czech Republic. The sedlec Ossuary is nothing spectacular on the outside, on the inside the small chapel is decorated with more than 40,000 human skeletons.

Sedlec Ossuary 1 Sedlec Ossuary 2


Catacombs of Paris, France.


Let's end with something on the same note as the previous entry, only even more creepy. The catacombs of Paris, these underground ossuaries in Paris are said to hold the remains of more than six million people. The ossuary was founded after a series of cave-ins begining 1774 and due to overflowing cemeteries. If somebody wants to have an army of undead, that's the place to start.

Catacombs of Paris 1 Catacombs of Paris 2


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Five creepy places around the world - part 3

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