There's nothing more curious than a cat, or so they say, and the way they look at us when we're munching on something kinda reinforces that saying. Cats always want whatever we are eating and sometimes you might just feel inclined to share it with them. While some of the foods we, humans, eat might have some benefits for our little furbabies as well, that can't be said for everything we eat. If you ever wondered what isn't safe to let your precious cat eat then look no more. In this article i will write about five human foods that you should never let your cats eat no matter how much they plead, meow, or try to steal.

1. Grapes, Raisins and Currants

cat and grape

It's strange how something so small could make your cat so ill. In case you did not know if your cat eats raisins, either raw or as an ingredient in something else like cookies, cereals, etc, they may develop grape or raisin toxicosis which will cause vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, dehydration and decreased urination. While some cats will not experience any ill effects you have to wonder, is it worth the risk? So, avoid feeding these to your cats.  

2. Onions, Garlic and Chives

Cat and onions

These three items are usually used as ingredients in a lot of recipes and dishes and it is one of the reason people should avoid feeding human food to cats. Even if used as powdered forms in your cooking they are still dangerous for cats. What it is known is that a compound in these foods called "thiosulphate" damages their red blood cells. Cats develop anemia over several days after eating any of these foods. Even with eating just small portions, problems can appear over time. So of course avoid feeding them to your cat.


3. Chocolate

Cat and chocolate

You probably know this already, but chocolate is something you should not feed your cat. Why? Simple, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which are methylxanthines and in case you didn't know methylxanthines are toxic for cats. Dark chocolate is especially harmful. Methylxanthines may damage their heart and nervous system, in case your cat is showing symptoms like panting, vomiting, or diarrhea and you suspect it may have eaten chocolate, get your furbaby to the vet immediately.


4. Avocados

Cat and avocado

Avoid feeding avocados to your fur kids, even dishes that contain avocados. Now this is one that will probably not kill your cat but it will make them very uncomfortable as it can cause heart congestion, diarrhea and vomiting. Avocados contain persin which is known to be toxic to many animals. It is not know for sure if cats are affected by persin, with some people suggesting it does affect them and some saying it doesn't, but are you willing to risk it?


5. Xylitol

Cat and candy

In case you didn't know Xylitol is a sweetener used in sugar-free gum, toothpaste, candy, baked goods and other foods. Xylitol can lead to liver failure. If ingested it will cause an increase in the insulin circulating through your cat's body, which will cause the cat's blood sugar levels to drop. Some symptoms to watch out for are vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. So before letting your cat munch on some gum or some baked stuff, make sure it doesn't contain Xylitol.

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Five human foods that you should never let your cat eat

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