It might not have been just once or twice that you saw your little furbaby interested in whatever it is that you're eating and not to mention that being followed by a demanding meow. Sometimes you might wonder if its ok to let the curious cats taste a little of whatever it is that you're eating but you hold back because you aren't exactly sure if it would harm them. You can read below about some of the human foods that are ok to let your cat taste. 
***Please remember that these should not replace their primary food source which should be cat food since it is specifically designed for their health and digestive needs. 

1. Cooked meat.

Cat eats meat

As you probably already know, cats are carnivores meaning they are designed to get their nutrition from meat and not vegetables and carbs like say humans. The protein from the meat helps cats have healthy hearts and reproductive systems as well as good eyes. When feeding your cat cooked meat make sure there are not too many spices and carefully examine it to make sure there are no small bones the cat may choke on. 


2. Oatmeal.

Cat eats meat

Oatmeal is supposedly healthy for cats to eat and is actually found in commercial cat foods as well. Of course just like most humans don't really like oatmeal, the cats probably don't either. Oatmeal is a good source of energy and B vitamins for cats.


3. Fish.

Cat eats fish

As you've already noticed a lot of cat foods are fish-based. The thing is though while it may be safe for them to eat fish-based cat food, not the same can be said about eating raw fish. If you want to let your cats have a small taste that is ok as fish are a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.


4. Cheese and dairy products.

Cat eats cheese

As you may probably know, dairy products are one of the most controversial human foods for cats. A lot of cats like them, that's for sure and we can all remember that image of a cat drinking milk. Most cats, though, are lactose intolerant and cannot process dairy properly. Cheese and other dairy products can be a good source of protein if your cat doesn't have a problem with them. It is best to give them only a tiny amount at first and if they show any sign of an upset stomach, they may be lactose intolerant so perhaps avoid this option.


5. Fresh Fruits.

Cat eats fruit

Not many cats like fruits or vegetables but there is the occasional odd one that does enjoy a good fruit and it is actually healthy for them, but only in small amounts as their bodies can only process small amounts of fruit or vegetables at a time. So if you see your cat chewing on your house plants, pass the little guy some fruit.

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Five human foods that are alright to let cats eat

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