If you have a cat, or multiple then i am sure your meal time isn't exactly personal anymore. They rub around your feet, look at you with demanding eyes, meow as hard as they can, sometimes they even reach out for your food. You might have wanted to share whatever your eating with your fur baby but you stopped wondering if maybe it will actually harm them. Well for you we have another list of five human foods that you can let your cat taste, in small amounts of course.
***And remember, these are not meant in any way to replace their regular meals of cat food. Cat food is especially designed for their health and digestive needs. 

1. Cooked eggs

Cat eats eggs

According to Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, the President of the American Association of Feline Practitioners, some cats might actually be allergic to eggs, so at first it would be a good idea to just let your cat taste a tiny bit and check for any allergic reactions. In case there are none, cooked eggs are a great source of protein for cats and they also have a lot of vitamin B, which is also healthy for felines. Make sure the eggs are cooked thoroughly as raw eggs may contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning. 


2. Fresh vegetables

Cat eats vegetables

You were probably already expecting this one since we covered fresh fruits in a previous article. Vegetables have lots of vitamins and fiber, which are always good for the general health and digestion. Of course many cats don't like vegetables but if you see your cat munching on house plants, pass them some veggies. Also keep house plants away from cats as some may be toxic for them. And another also, avoid onions, garlic, chives and anything related to onions as they are actually toxic for cats.


3. Bread

Cat eats bread

In case you didn't know white bread isn't exactly nutritious even for humans, so if you are thinking of letting you cat eat bread, feed them whole wheat breads instead. It can be a good source of fiber and protein for cats. And again, its not meant to replace your cat's regular food.


4. Fish oil

Cat eats fish oil

If you're the type of person that has fish oil around the house and ever wondered if its alright to add some to your cats meal, well the answer is yes. According to veterinarian Dr. Jeff Werber, fish oil is actually good for keeping your cat's skin from getting dry and it can also give your cat a healthy, shiny coat.


5. Canned baby food

Cat eats baby food

Do you have a baby and a cat? Well it is entirely possible that your cat might try to steal a taste of the baby's food. If you ever wondered if canned baby food will harm your cat then rest assured, it won't. Actually meat-based baby food can be a great solution for cats who are avoiding their food or are recovering from being sick, just remember to always check the ingredients for garlic and onion as they can be very harmful to cats. Again, it should not become a regular part of your cat's diet.

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Five more human foods that are ok for cats to eat

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